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 Visual Paradigm - CASE for OOA&D and Enterprise Architecture with UML, BPMN, BMM, ArchiMate, Zachman framework

Solutions Business Mamager
M-Files DMS
Select Architect
Visual Paradigm Suite
CA netVIZ technologies
Express Software Manager
QPR Process Designer
QPR Metrics
GE Smallworld GIS
Oracle Spatial
MicroStation/Bentley Map







CASE (Computer-aided software engineering) tool


Visual Paradigm (Visual Paradigm) is a UML design tool and UML CASE tool designed to aid software development. VP-UML supports key modeling standards such as Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.4, SoaML, SysML, ERD, DFD, BPMN 2.0, ArchiMate 2.0, etc. It supports software development teams in requirements capturing, software planning (use case analysis), code engineering, class modeling, data modeling, etc.


Visual Paradigm supports various phases of Application Lifecycle Management.





Visual Paradigm as Enterprise Edition, supports all contemporary Enterprise Architecture Framework, like Zachman Framework and ArchiMate. Elaborate Enterprise Architecture Components with various modeling tools, including but not limited to Business Process Diagrams, UML Diagrams and SysML Diagrams.



Visual Paradigm supports the following visual modeling techniques:


UML modeling

You can draw all kinds of UML 2.x diagrams in VP-UML, which include:

• Class diagram

• Use case diagram

• Sequence diagram

• Communication diagram

• State machine diagram

• Activity diagram

• Component diagram

• Deployment diagram

• Package diagram

• Object diagram

• Composite structure diagram

• Timing diagram

• Interaction overview diagram


Requirement modeling

Capture requirements with SysML Requirement Diagram, Use Case Modeling, Textual Analysis, CRC Cards, and create screen mock-up with User

Interface designer.


Database modeling

You can draw the following kinds of diagrams to aid in database modeling:

• Entity Relationship Diagram

• ORM Diagram (visualize the mapping between object model and data model)

You can model not only database table, but also stored procedure, triggers, sequence and database view in an ERD.

Besides drawing a diagram from scratch, you can reverse engineer a diagram from an existing database.

Apart from diagramming, you can also synchronize between class diagram and entity relationship diagram to maintain the consistency between them.

SQL generation ane execution feature is available for producing and executing SQL statement from model instantly.


Business process modeling

You can draw the following kinds of diagrams to aid in business process modeling:

• Business process diagram

• Data flow diagram

• Event-drive process chain diagram

• Process map diagram

• Organization Chart

You can also export Business process diagram to BPEL.



Object-Relational mapping

Object-Relational Mapping enables you to access relational database in an object relational approach when coding. Visual Paradigm generates objectrelational

mapping layer which incorporates features such as transaction support, pluggable cache layer, connection pool and customizable SQL



Team collaboration

For users that work as a team, team collaboration support lets you perform modeling collaboratively and concurrently with any one of the following

tools or technologies:

• VP Teamwork Server (Need to buy Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server additionally)


• Subversion

• Perforce

• ClearCase


Documentation generation

Share your design with your customers in popular document formats, including:

• HTML (report generation)

Visual Paradigm for UML product overview P. 6

• HTML (project publisher)


• Word



Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server (Visual Paradigm)


Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server provides a central repository for storing Visual Paradigm project files. With VP Teamwork Server, team members can view and edit the same project or even same diagram simultaneously. The following movie demonstrates how to checkout project, commit changes to server and update changes from server. The latest version supports specifying read and write permissions when importing project to server.


Visual Paradigm (english) as PDF document


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