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 QPR Metrics - visual modeling tool for ScoreCard

Solutions Business Mamager
M-Files DMS
Select Architect
Visual Paradigm Suite
CA netVIZ technologies
Express Software Manager
QPR Process Designer
QPR Metrics
GE Smallworld GIS
Oracle Spatial
MicroStation/Bentley Map







QPR Metrics (before as QPR ScoreCard) provides a robust performance management tool that helps your organization plan, implement, communicate and assess strategy, commit your people to objectives, improve performance and foster a collaborative management environment that will help you lead your organization to success. Focused at the business user, QPR Metrics is easy to use and quick to master with an easy to understand, intuitive user interface. Its top-down approach speeds implementing your performance management system and because it is web-enabled, it ensures that rolling out performance management in your organization towards an enterprise-wide exercise will be swift, easy and convenient.


QPR Metrics is flexible, allowing you to decide on the perspectives for organizing business performance, targets, as well as the drivers for achieving your targets. QPR Metrics supports all performance management methodologies (BAM, EFQM, Malcolm Baldridge, Balanced Scorecard etc.), yours included.

Via the QPR Portal, QPR Metrics provides you with a web-based, quick and easy way to communicate your strategy as well as personal objectives derived from it to all your employees from the very beginning of the implementation process. In addition to communicating measures and objectives, you can attach information items such as documents, web pages, text files or pictures to performance elements that will help you clarify and optimize your message.

No other tool enables you to communicate and assess your strategy better than the strategy map, which illustrates the cause and effect assumptions you make when defining your strategy. QPR Metrics allows you to cascade it from the corporate level all the way down to unit, team or individual levels, allowing employees to see how their individual objectives and actions contribute to the overall goals of your organization. QPR Metrics automatically shows the historical correlation between the key objectives on your strategy map, providing you with a valuable assessment about the validity of your strategic assumptions.



The graphical scorecard view offers a simple but complete overview of your organization’s performance status by adding traffic lights, gauges or any desired indicator of your choice (such as a happy or sad face) to performance elements. Warning symbols furthermore alert you of exceptional performance on lower levels of the measure hierarchy, while detailed performance data is only a mouse click away.



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